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The Knife of Never Letting Go - Parts 1 & 2 Reveiw

It has been a long since I haven't wanted to put a book down, and this is definitely one of those books.


The knife of never letting go is definitely a YA adventure book. In the beginning, I did struggle to understand parts because the writing style is very juvenile and confusing. However, the reader is placed into the point of view of a twelve-year-old boy who has been deprived of books and any form of schooling for most of his life, so this makes complete sense.

Nevertheless, this is not hard to get used to, and in my opinion, it creates a more immersive world.


This book sets up the story so well in the first two parts that I cant wait to see what happens next.

You are wholly thrown into Todd's life and thought prosses, and Patrick Ness's portrayal of Todd's emotional state is astounding. I really felt as if the "silence" around Todd would feel terrible, sad and empty.

Furthermore, the ending of part Two felt so fast-paced and engaging that I really felt like learning Violet's name was a massive triumph.


I can't wait to hear how you all felt about Parts 1 & 2 of the knife of never letting go.

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