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Why I Have DNF'd The Knife of Never Letting Go

For March's Book club and #FragmentedFictionFridays I chose to read The Knife of Never Letting Go and have now had to DNF it.

This book has honestly been DNF'd because my favourite character Manchee died. this shocked me emensly and made me just not want to continue.

Another reason that this book has been DNF'd is because the writing style is just not what I'm used to, it's extremly jumbled and written in an uneducated style, which to emerse you into the story is great but extreamly hard to understand if you cant relate to this style. Furthermore I honestly just kept reading for the side characters that, in my opinion, readers just did not spend enough time with but i could have grown more invested in the story thanks to them.

However this book has mad me physically laugh in public, has amazing world building and had a lot of twists and turns that kept me wanting to read more. I'm not saying that I will never pick it up again but I definitely need a break from this book. However as soon as Choas walking becomes avalible to watch i will definitly watch it to see if Doug Liman did as good of a job at world bulding as Patrick Ness.

I would still recommend this book to YA book lovers as well as fantasy lovers that particularly like stories based on other worlds because this book is still increadible just extremly heart renching to me.

My favourite quote from this book is on page 238 and says "HERE I am, HERE we are, HERE we go, HERE is all that matters" this quote really caught my attention and I honestly love the symbolism and ideology behind it.

Let me know your thoughts below 👇


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